Thursday, April 8, 2010


God I am so freakin hungry today. I think it started when I went to make Tommy's lunch today. I opened up his lunch box and out came a recess peanut butter cup that he didn't eat yesterday. I wanted that to snatch it up so darn bad! But I didn't.... And what's funny is that on any other day, BEFORE I went on a diet, I wouldn't even have noticed the peanut butter cup. It's definitely a mind thing. Instead I've been eating cheese sticks and drinking water. Oh yeah-that's gonna fix my chocolate craving... NOT!! ha! Oh well, I'm gonna make some lunch and fill up and then I'm sure I'll be feeling better. Now I just gotta hide those jelly beans..... ;)


  1. Hey Michelle,

    I hear you about the chocolate... my office was crawling with easter candy yesterday. My hand was in the basket al day! You can be strong. Hope today is better!

    Sue Claflin... still struggling

  2. Hey Laura, Going to my first Yoga class this morning at 10. I'll tell you about it later but I hope I love it as much as you do. :) Have a great day. xoxo

  3. Hi Sue! I ended up having a handful of jelly beans last night... but it's my first slip and could have been much worse, so not going to beat myself up. I have seen Carolyn twice this week at the MB. I can't believe how grown up she is. She told me about college. You must be so proud! I hope to see you soon!

  4. Never deny yourself...always in moderation. That is the key to success. Trust me!
    Make sure you eat every 3 1/2 hours. And eat enough that you are full. You should not feel hungry again until your next meal time. Protein/fruit or protein/veggies... if you need food suggestions let me know. If we could only be as lucky as my coworker Susanne... she just had her third donut! yes folks that is what I said third! and she is tall and skinny beatch!!!

  5. Tell Susanne she sucks!!! But I still love her... hee hee. Karla I'm eating like every three hours, but man I am hungry all the time. It probably is a good thing cause it means my metabolism is probably running again. Weight Watchers has this veggie soup recipe and it's zero points so you can eat it whenever you want. I am going to make that today. I know that will help. I bought some sugar free jello last night and some weight watchers chocolate ice cream too. So, hopefully that will help when I get my sweet tooth. And guess what? I haven't had one drink all week... now THAT's an accomplishment for me!!!!

  6. Cool! Weight watchers will work great for you.

    And BTW... why does Tommy have a recess peanut butter cup in his lunch box. Naughty naughty! You need to set the example to them for healthy eating. Gavin is not allowed to bring candy to school at all. I just had a chocolate attack and had to eat 2 chocolate easter eggs...
