Thursday, April 29, 2010

woo-hoo---i think it's working!

I was totally making an effort this week to write down (weight watcher's calls it tracking), everything I eat and the points associated with it. It seems when I track, I definitely do lose weight. And I stepped on my scale this morning and it says I lost 2.5 pounds. So according to my scale, I'm down to 160. The weight watcher's weigh-in is the official number, but I'll take this until Tuesday!! It has got me so motivated to keep on going, and keep on tracking. Speaking of tracking.... I'm off to the college track right now to do a couple miles. :) Have a GREAT day everyone.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I'm back....

So, it's been awhile since my last post....sorry. I got sick, then the kids had school vacation and I kinda fell off the weight loss tracking wagon. Went back to weight watchers yesterday though and weighed in. I had lost, even if it was only a little, (.6 pound). So much better than gaining! So, I've learned what torture is... Going through the Burger King drive-thru at 5:30 to get your kids dinner when you are absolutely starving! I'm telling you, all I wanted to do is gobble up all the french fries! They smelled so freakin' good!! BUT I didn't, and I'm sitting her patiently waiting for Doug to get home so we can have something much more healthy for dinner. I have an incredibly busy weekend full of going out, a birthday party, and then kids fest. I'm dreading all the food and alcohol that will be coming my way. My two favorite things and I'm not going to be able to enjoy them the way I want to. Wish me luck everyone. I'm hoping for a much better weight loss for next week so I'm going to try so hard to stay strong!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

One Week Weigh-in

Went to my first weekly weigh-in and wasn't sure what I was going to see on the scale, but was sooooo happy when I found out I lost 3.6 pounds. That's pretty darn good and definitely will keep me motivated to stay on the same path. I have to admit I was a little worried cause I almost felt like I was eating too much. But, everyone does keep telling me you have to eat five times a day---but it's what you eat that counts and I guess here's the proof. I also got sick over the last week and finally went to the doctor who ended up diagnosing me with Bronchitis. Bummed that I can't go to the gym for a few days... but was so happy when I woke up this morning and had some of my old energy back. I was really feeling like a slug for a few days. It was awful. So, lots of fun stuff planned for this weekend too. Karla and Laura are coming out with me on Friday to go see Over 6 at the Claddagh. One of my favorite bands, at my favorite place with my favorite gals. Doesn't get much better. Have to be soooo good though and only have a couple drinks. Cause then we are going up to VT for the weekend and going to Susanne's on Saturday for a bonfire. She always has the best beer on tap... but it's so heavy. God help me!! I guess maybe if I can lose one pound after all i got going on this weekend, that will still be an accomplishment. Wish me luck my friends!!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Day After

Went to Matty's 30th birthday party last night. The party was really fun. Got to see lots of my friends that I haven't seen in a bit, so it was great to catch up with everyone. Of course there was so much tempting food there. Like lobster mac and cheese, chicken broccoli ziti, chicken wings, and oh yeah, I don't even wanna tell you about the huge chocolate cake. And yeah, I'm at a bar; my favorite place! I have to say I'm pretty proud of myself. I was there for 6 hours and only had three drinks. And I made sure to put lots of salad on my plate, some mushrooms and a couple chicken wings. And even though I really, really wanted a piece of cake I didn't have even one little bite! So success as far as I'm concerned. It's supposed to be really nice out today, so gonna try and take Tyler and Daisy over to the park and walk around the paths a few times and get some exercise in. Hope everyone has a great day!

Thursday, April 8, 2010


God I am so freakin hungry today. I think it started when I went to make Tommy's lunch today. I opened up his lunch box and out came a recess peanut butter cup that he didn't eat yesterday. I wanted that to snatch it up so darn bad! But I didn't.... And what's funny is that on any other day, BEFORE I went on a diet, I wouldn't even have noticed the peanut butter cup. It's definitely a mind thing. Instead I've been eating cheese sticks and drinking water. Oh yeah-that's gonna fix my chocolate craving... NOT!! ha! Oh well, I'm gonna make some lunch and fill up and then I'm sure I'll be feeling better. Now I just gotta hide those jelly beans..... ;)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Back to the gym

So, thank you Felicia for dragging my butt (ok-my fat ass!), back to the gym today. I would not have gone if she didn't make me go. I definitely would have used the old excuse that I have way too many other things to do and oh yeah, I'll just go tomorrow. So I went, and of course, I feel great. I always feel great after.... It's just getting there that's hard. I spoke with a personal trainer today too and am going to have my first meeting with her next Tuesday. She's gonna help me establish a good weight-loss routine to help me with the big tire roll I got going on. She's got lots of good energy so let's hope it gets me even more motivated. Ok, off to do laundry, cleaning, and some bills.... later my friends.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Dreaded Weigh-In.

Ok, so I did it. I went to my first weight watchers meeting. And it was about as I expected. I weigh a whopping 168.8 pounds. I'm not sure how that happened, since I'm only 5'2''!! I guess I was too busy eating everything I wanted and not paying attention... I took my measurements too today, and I can't even believe what they are. I don't even want to post them... that's how embarrassed I am. But at least I have my jumping off point and have nowhere to go but DOWN---> at least that's my goal here! The people at the meeting were nice. Alot of older women in my group and not one man.... I think it's the time of day I go though. Everyone else is probably at work. I'm going to post a 'BEFORE' picture of me tomorrow, and then update it monthly to help me see some progress. I just want to say thanks to all my friends who left notes for me today. I really appreciate the encouragement and nice words. I know it's really revealing to do this on a blog page, but think it will help me on the really hard days to know I'm accountable and to know I have people out there on my side. If you have stories to share-please do!! I want to know I'm not the only one out there going through all this. Talk to you soon!!

Day One??

So I should be getting ready right now to go to my first weight watcher's meeting at 9:30, and it's 8:10 and I'm still sitting her in my pajamas. This is procrastination at it's finest.... I'm so dreading the beginning of this. Having to weigh-in and be 'not' so shocked to find out how much I 'officially' weigh, then having to go grocery shopping for the week. There is so much thinking that you have to do when you decide you are going to eat healthy. And I already detest grocery shopping, so this should make it even more fun. Then the cleaning of the fridge and cupboards, and last but not least, recording everything I will be eating. I know, I'm focusing on all the bad stuff today.... I know it's supposed to be a new beginning, a new you.... Check in later, I promise I'll have a renewed attitude!